E-Safety and Safeguarding
It is really important you support your child in how to stay safe online. Check out these links to learn more about how your child can stay safe online and also what to do if they are feeling vulnerable. Elmbrook School will support you in every way possible. There are child-friendly resources in the Keeping Safe page in the Children's section should you want to discuss any issues together with your child. Resources and links on this page are aimed at adults.
All Senior staff at Elmbrook School are trained in how to deal with safeguarding concerns. Click on the 'Report to School' button above to inform us of any safeguarding concerns you may have. You can do this at any time - even in the school holidays - should you feel there is something we need to be made aware of. Please use the 'Report to CEOP' at any time should you have any concerns about your child being exploited online, grooming, chat room issues etc.