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Elmbrook School is a resource available to mainstream schools in Leicester to assist them in supporting children with behaviour which disrupts their learning and that of others.

Referrals to Elmbrook School are usually made through the mainstream school SEMH team link.


Elmbrook School aims to work intensively with each child to identify how and where these problems arise. Then, as the concerns highlighted by the school are tackled, the focus moves to reintegrating children; for the majority, this will be back into the mainstream school referring them, but for a few an alternative route will be more appropriate.


Whatever the outcome, staff at Elmbrook try to identify the causes of each child’s problems and find ways of improving the situation. Then, as the placement takes shape, the aim is to help the child to change. Alongside this support for the child, detailed information is passed on to parents, school staff and other professionals to help them to continue the process.


Elmbrook School runs very much as a school, although there are some important differences.  The most obvious difference is the size of the school. Then there is the length of time pupils are at the school. Teaching is done in mixed-age groups and is centred very closely on each child’s needs and abilities. The placement is divided into an initial assessment period, a time for consolidation and a reintegration period after which pupils move on. Very regular contact is kept with parents and carers, school staff and with other professionals and important decisions are made at planning meetings to which all parties are invited.



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