Elmbrook School operates a Child Protection and Safeguarding policy in line with legal requirements. As parents and carers you need to know that the Children Act 1989 requires all staff at Elmbrook to pass on information which raises concerns that a child may be at risk from non-accidental injury, neglect, emotional or sexual abuse.
Click on the links for further information
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education Sept 2023 statutory guidance
Keeping Children Safe in Education Information for Parents/Carers leaflet
Early Help Access to a range of support services
Prevent is the Government’s strategy to stop people becoming involved in violent extremism or supporting terrorism, in all its forms. Prevent works within the non-criminal space, using early engagement to encourage individuals and communities to challenge violent extremist ideologies and behaviours.
Channel is an early intervention multi-agency process designed to safeguard vulnerable people who may have been referred from being drawn into violent extremist or terrorist behaviour.
Channel works in a similar way to existing safeguarding partnerships aimed at protecting vulnerable people.
All of these procedures are intended to protect children and schools are encouraged to take the attitude that where there are grounds for concern it is better to be over-cautious than risk a child's safety. They therefore have an unavoidable duty to contact the Local Safeguarding Children Board.
Occasionally, this duty on the Headteacher and other Designated Safeguarding Leads means that they must risk upsetting some parents by reporting a concern that, upon investigation, proves to be unfounded. In these circumstances, it is hoped that parents/carers will appreciate how difficult it is for schools to carry out this delicate responsibility and accept that they are acting in good faith and have to take these steps tin the best interest of children.
The Management Committee is responsible for ensuring that the PRU follows the procedures set out by the Local Safeguarding Children Board in the 'Every Child Matters: Change for Children' guidance. This guidance is underpinned by the 2004 Children Act. Detailed information is available on the website
The H.M. Government publication 'Working Together to Safeguard Children' provides the guidance for child protection procedures at the Leicester City Primary PRU.
In most cases of child protection, the Management Committee will delegate responsibility to the Headteacher.
Who to contact for advice and support or to report a concern
You may be unsure about whether you're right to be worried, but it is important that you don't keep any concerns to yourself.
Elmbrook School
Designated Safeguarding Leads 0116 208 1470
Children's Social Care
Leicester City Council 0116 454 1004
Leicestershire County Council 0116 305 0005
Rutland County Council 01572 758407
For non emergencies you should call 101 or 0116 222 2222
If you are concerned that a child is in immediate danger you should call 999.
Safeguarding Children Boards
More information is available on both the Leicester City and Leicestershire & Rutland Local Safeguarding Children Boards.
Leicester City
Leicestershire & Rutland
The New Futures Project
The project supports girls and boys at risk of sexual exploitation 0116 251 0803
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) works across the UK tackling child sex abuse and exploitation
The LSCB's are supporting Barnardo's 'Cut Them Free' campaign to raise awareness of child sexual exploitation and help prevent it happening to young people in our area
A support and information agency for parents about child sexual exploitation