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Welcome to the children’s area of our website!


Elmbrook School is a fun place to be. You will be in a small group of children with lots of adults to help you learn and grow. We work together as a very close team and we celebrate all achievements, no matter how small. You will be rewarded for working hard at both your learning and your behaviour in school. Staff keep in touch with your parents/carers and your mainstream school if you are part time. We love being able to share good news!


We go on a trip each half term for our topic, and also go swimming, take part in Outdoor Learning at Forest Schools and join in coach-led sports sessions. Your group can also earn a special reward trip for meeting your group behaviour targets.

The internet is a wonderful place to explore and discover new things, to connect and communicate with others and to be creative. Please make sure you keep yourself safe online - look how to do this in our Online Safety section.

Online Safety
Kids Space
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