Ofsted say that this is a GOOD school. In summary:
A Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) is a maintained school that is set up specifically to deal with pupils that otherwise would not receive a suitable education for any reason, including illness or exclusion. PRUs are sometimes referred to as ‘alternative provision’. A maintained county school or special school cannot be a PRU.
The teachers in charge, other senior staff, members of the management committee, and the local authority have worked well to improve teaching and raise pupils’ achievement.
The unit has made good improvement since the last inspection and it is well placed to improve further.
All groups of pupils achieve well and make good progress, especially in reading and in mathematics.
The quality of teaching is good and systems for assessing pupils’ attainment and progress are very thorough.
Pupils behave well and feel safe. The highly skilled behaviour mentors make an excellent contribution to improvements in pupils’ behaviour and to changing their attitudes to learning.
The curriculum is varied and interesting. It promotes pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and their awareness of British values well.
The unit meets with a good level of success in reintegrating pupils into mainstream schools, or finding a suitable special school placement for those with the most complex needs.
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